It can be very inconvenient for you when your car suddenly breaks down. It cannot be moved and you have no other choice but to call towing services. Knowing that your car can be towed properly can give you peace of mind. The towing fees that need to be paid will depend on several things:
- The location from where your vehicle is going to be towed
- The extent of your car’s damage
- The type of car insurance that you have
There are certain car insurance policies that can cover the costs of towing your car. This can be very convenient for you. You do not have to worry about purchasing anything.
Towing Coverage
You have to check the different insurance companies that are available in your area. Get to know the towing services and coverage that they offer. It is best that you will check with the insurer before you sign up. This will help you know how the towing will be handled. There are some car insurance companies who are particularly good at this. They can immediately send a towing truck to your location. There is no need to wait for a long time before you get the services that you need.
There are also some insurance companies that can offer towing reimbursement. This means that when you call a towing company, you will pay for the services first. Then you can file a reimbursement claim so that the insurance company will pay you. Take note that the amount may be fixed depending on the insurance company that you will pick.
If you want to be sure that you are going to get towing coverage, you have to ask the agent who will offer the car insurance.
Towing After a Car Accident
There is no one who would like to get into a car accident. People can always become careful but there are others who do not seem to care. If you get into a car accident and your vehicle will not move, it has to be towed to a repair shop. The towing can be covered by the amount that will be spent in order to repair your vehicle.
There are other reasons aside from car accidents that may cause your car to be towed. For instance, you have parked your car on the street during a storm. The floods cause havoc to the streets and it may damage your vehicle as well. A waterlogged vehicle will not start in any circumstance. This needs to be towed to the car repair shop.
If you have comprehensive insurance, you can reimburse the towing fees that you paid for. Take note that your deductible will matter in this situation. It is best that you get to know more about this to be sure. There are some tow trucks that will not immediately give you a bill. What they would do is they would add the fees of the towing services to the repair fees.
Types of Towing Coverage
It is best that you get to know more about the services that you can get for your vehicle in general. There are times when your insurance coverage will be different from the company that will provide you with roadside assistance. Have you considered joining motor clubs? This will allow you to get the roadside services that you may need. In exchange, you only need to pay a small rental fee.
If you want, you can check out your mobile phone company. They may also services that will allow you to get roadside assistance whenever you are in need. The great thing about this is that you do not have to spend a lot of money to get the coverage that you deserve.
Take note that you should only do this if your insurance company does not offer towing services and roadside assistance. If the insurance company does, then there is no need to search for other companies who will provide the services that you want. Through getting roadside assistance, it will be possible to get the services that you need whenever you need it. It will be vital to have the numbers that you can call saved on your phone. You can call these numbers in emergency situations.