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Rating of Top Car Insurance Companies

Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 5164 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 5164 user reviews
Patrick Diaz
Though the company is helpful, they charge higher premiums which are far differe...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 564 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Anna Rogers
The company is stripundately awesome. However, there are no stores or offices to...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 523 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
4.0out of 519 user reviews
Nathan Robinson
Have been using the services for past 5 years. I am so glad there is someone who...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Nathan Garcia
I have been a part of the 21st century Insurance Company. They provide an amazin...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Cameron Collins
Although the company has the cheapest policy rates as compared to others, the cu...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Sean Cooper
After going through several insurance plans, I would recommend that Safeco Car I...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
4.0out of 564 user reviews
Maya Green
The company is very responsive and quick. They are highly professional with lots...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 564 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Christopher Taylor
The agents are genuine, helpful and calm. They take time to explain the best sui...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 524 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 524 user reviews
Wyatt Flores
Although the claim was covered instantly, it took me forever to connect with the...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Aiden Murphy
Sometimes they are stuck with the customer support. After my car was broke, I ke...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Hannah Gonzalez
My windshield was damaged due to some kind of accident. As there were chances of...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Aidan Carter
Although I had a poor credit, I got the Elephant Auto insurance for cheaper rate...
Affordability Rating: 
3.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Logan Walker
AARP is having their own trusted repair service which provided me assistance and...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
3.0out of 599 user reviews
Kevin Lopez
It becomes necessary that the car insurance company over which you are building ...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Julia Cox
I got retired from the company, still, the Metlife Car Insurance kept my insuran...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Luke Carter
Reviewed numerous car insurance companies over the kind of features and services...
Affordability Rating: 
5.0out of 599 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
4.0out of 599 user reviews
Amia Harris
Traveller’s car insurance greatly analyzed my need during the accident and pro...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 564 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 564 user reviews
Chase Barnes
I am quite happy with the great customer support system. Whenever you face any t...
Affordability Rating: 
4.0out of 524 user reviews
Customer Service Rating: 
5.0out of 534 user reviews
Noah Hernandez
The service is great and you can make payments through online and through the di...

Do you know how many people experience the associated horror of flying on an airplane? Not less than 14%! And these are only people who do not board a plane under any circumstances. And how many more are those who struggle with their fears, but still climb the ladder heading into a plane? We'll be honest - that's a picture of almost each of us.

Of course, it would be wrong to call such a phobia irrational. But air transport in every way contributes to the cultivation of sacred horror in our hearts. Furthermore, another fact seems paradoxical: you can hardly find a person who refuses to drive a car.

What is the paradox here? The fact is that, statistically, our cars are much more dangerous than any other type of transport. And do not be confused by external attributes. To drown, get into a plane crash, or become a participant in a collision of two trains - all these prospects are much less likely than to find trouble driving your Chevy.

So let's put up with the fact that driving a car is not as safe and straightforward as it seems at first glance. And, after that, we’ll think about how to minimize risks and potential losses. Driving skills, knowledge of traffic rules, and fundamental laws are the main factors that are inherent in any good driver, and we will not even question their necessity. Therefore, let's talk about the primary tool that can significantly simplify your life on the road.

Car insurance and its types

Yep, we'll call this tool in that way, although this is not entirely correct. Insurance is a complex and complicated chain of relationships in which, in addition to you and the company providing the services, third parties may arise. But, in general, we want to offer a small car insurance reviews and auto insurance companies reviews, at the same time telling about the concept, meaning and why it inspires horror in the hearts of drivers, especially inexperienced.

And in short, insurance is the headlights of your car. You usually don’t use them, and you don’t even think about them, steadily driving in the morning traffic stream, drinking fresh coffee. But, when dusk descends, and the darkness engulfs the world around you, you will certainly flip the switch to dispel the night in front of the hood of the car.

It seems to us that this is a very accurate analogy. After all, insurance is not just the paper in the pile of documents. It also reminder of its own value. And its price can be very significant, especially if you are an inexperienced driver, or you drive a credit car. And, irritation is an understandable reaction. But, now, the night is coming down - and you need to turn on the headlights to move on.

After all, the modern road is a busy and sometimes even dangerous place, and to have any guarantees here is simply a fantastic advantage. It is impossible to protect yourself from traffic accidents and injuries to which they can lead, but to protect yourself from the consequences is real and almost priceless.

So, we hope that we have convinced you that insurance is the primary and most effective way to bring reliability to our changing life. Now is the time to move on to the specifics. For this, we have prepared the best auto insurance reviews, in which we will try to understand the nuances and types of insurance so that you can choose the best option for yourself.

And we will start with liability coverage, which is a prerequisite for driving a car in the vast majority of states. This type of insurance will help to cover damages for injuries and property damage to others for which you become legally responsible for the result of the possible accident.

Liability coverage is practically a guarantee that in case of trouble on the road, you will not be alone. And the matter is not in a friendly shoulder, but in material, assistance to cover the damage. And this is much more important.

Collision insurance

Collision insurance can cover damage to your car after an accident, even with another vehicle, involved in it. It also may help to repair or replace a covered vehicle. This type of compensation will help you in the event of a direct collision with another participant in the movement, and if you entered a fence or pole. Let's be realistic - this happens even with experienced drivers.

Collision insurance is usually an optional type of insurance. But, if you manage a credit car or a vehicle under leasing, then you will be required to have this insurance.

Comprehensive insurance

Comprehensive insurance is the choice of those who are not inclined to rely on fate. This type of insurance significantly expands the list of insured events, even covering vandalism, incidents with animals, and car damage due to some weather events.

Uninsured motorist

Uninsured motorist insurance will help protect yourself from dishonest drivers. In particular, this type of protection is relevant to hit-and-run accidents. This coverage is often paired with underinsured motorist insurance.

Underinsured motorist insurance

And this type of insurance eliminates problems in the event of a collision with drivers, whose priority is economy, not safety. So in the event of a crash with a driver who decided to save and his insurance is not able to cover the damage.

Medical payments coverage

Medical expenses resulting from an accident can sometimes hurt more than the accident itself. Medical payments coverage will mitigate the blow to your bank account even if you are found to be the culprit.

Personal injury protection insurance

Personal injury protection insurance, also known as PIP coverage - is the choice of people who are used to providing all possible consequences. This type of protection may cover certain medical expenses and loss of income resulting from a covered accident. The amount of compensation, in some cases, can reach up to 80% of the amount of damage. But it depends on the company that provides the services.

Gap insurance

The cost of a car is a rapidly changing quantity. And not in your favor. Leaving a car dealership, you immediately lose 20% of the price of the vehicle. Therefore, in the event of theft or severe damage to the car, the owner may encounter significant problems in repaying the loan. Gap insurance will get rid of these problems.

Towing and labor insurance

This type of insurance extends the capabilities of comprehensive car insurance and is only available if available. Towing and labor insurance will save you from worries if you need to tow a car and significantly reduce the cost of its repair.

Rental reimbursement insurance

Accidents can be different, and sometimes your car cannot be used for driving. And renting a vehicle is quite an expensive pleasure. But, with rental reimbursement insurance - this is no longer your problem since the company will bear the cost of renting another car.

Classic car insurance

Our favorite type of insurance! Classic car insurance is specially designed for collectors of vintage cars and just lovers of driving on ageless retro cars.

How to find best car insurance for you

So, we have already decided on the types of insurance and, we hope, convinced you of the need to turn on the lights at night if you understand us correctly. It remains to solve several underlying issues. This service is costly, so the question of how to find the best car insurance for you is by no means an idle one.

And to search for the answer to this question comfortable and convenient, we will give some tips.

And the first of them - do not think that there is one particular company that offers the most profitable deals. This is not true. No auto insurance companies reviews and trust in advertising slogans will help here. The only right way is to study the proposals in your state carefully. Having spent a little time, you can save from 400 dollars to 2000 dollars. And feel free to claim a discount — the laws of the market like the bold.

An important rule is to remember the car you insure. For example, comprehensive and collision coverage will not make sense for older car models. Also, if possible, then check the rates when buying a new car, it is likely that the cost of insurance will affect the final choice of car.

Choosing the best offer

As we have already said, with such a necessary purchase, you should not be blindly guided by reviews and ratings. And do not let yourself be confused by tons of advertising in which every broadcast of a sports match is buried. But, to navigate the topic, it is still worth studying auto insurance ratings, relevant at the time of purchase. After that, mark the circle of suitable companies and do not be too lazy to call them or carefully examine their website. It is worth paying attention to local and regional insurance companies. Their offers are sometimes not only in no way inferior to large companies but also surpass them.

Also, do not neglect the advice of friends and relatives - after all, sometimes, advice can be more valuable than all the money in the world.

Carefully collect all answers with insurance quotes. Pay attention to the details, including payment options, deductibles, discounts, and excluded services.

When your decision is made, and the company is selected, check with your state’s insurance department to make sure the company you choose is properly licensed.

Now you have all the information in order to conduct a thorough conversation with the agent. Feel free to ask any questions, even if they seem silly to you. In the end, it's your money!

The best companies

Today, the most significant companies receive regular ratings from several consumer protection organizations. The relevance of these conclusions is very reasonable since the differences in them are small.

Usually, auto insurance ratings are based on an analysis of several main categories. Among them: customer satisfaction rating, claims service rating, settlement rating, financial strength and prize for an average 6-month premium.

Based on these ratings, we will list the best companies. But, if you think that it will significantly facilitate your task - we will disappoint you since each company has its pros and cons, as well as sometimes specialization.

Progressive, which occupies the third line, is optimal for for higher risk drivers, and Allstate will offer good conditions for those with poor credit.

And this is true for every company. USAA is the best choice for army related drivers and their families. And NJM Auto - provides excellent conditions for residents of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

There are companies that present balanced prices, for example Amica and Erie. But the only thing. What we want to say is that it is worth spending your time carefully studying all aspects of the services and companies offered.

And, comparing car insurance quotes from best insurance companies, do not forget that not everything depends on the company. Your rating, credit history, and a dozen other factors are no less important. And this is worth remembering, not only at the time of searching for the best deal but every day when you drive.

After all, insurance is not a guarantee; it is just a way to reduce damage.